
void ExcelReportRun();

It is a function that runs the Excel program.
User can print or see the registered excel file after running ExcelReportPrepare.


Return Value

Example 1

Description: Run Excel.

Example 2
@ExcelReportPrepare("C:\\Report\\Test.XLS","",1, 0, 2002,10,19,0);

Description: Run excel with Test.XLS file, and automatically print with data of 2002-10-19 before excel is terminated.

Example 3
@ExcelReportPrepare("C:\\Report\\Test.XLS","",1, 0, 2002,10,19,0);
@ExcelReportPrepare("C:\\Report\\Test2.XLS","",1, 0, 2002,10,18,0);

Description: Run excel with Test.XLS, then automatically prints with data of 2002-10-19. And run excel with Test2.XLS, then automatically prints with data of 2002-10-18. After that, they are terminated.

Example 4
@ExcelReportPrepare("C:\\Report\\Test.XLS", "", 0, 0,2002,10,19,0);

Description: Run excel with Test.XLS as data of 2002-10-19. (Excel does not end)

Example 5
@ExcelReportPrepare("C:\\Report\\Test.XLS","",0, 0, $YEAR,$MONTH,$DAY,0);

Description: Run excel with TEST.XLS as data of ($YEAR-$MONTH-$DAY $HOUR) which is set by user. ($YEAR, $MONTH, $DAY, $HOUR are analog memory tag)

Example Download
For an example, choose "File | Restore" in the project manager for your reference.